deputy head of office

Since July 24, Rosa Anna Di Simone has been appointed as the deputy head of the Beirut office of the

Italian Agency for Development Cooperation AICS. The new role follows a long experience as a permanent official in Office IX Legal Affairs and Litigation at the headquarters in Rome, where she dealt with issues relating to development cooperation programs and projects to be implemented and/or implemented in the countries of the Balkan area (Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia), North Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Graduated in Economics and Business (old system) – Business Economics at La Sapienza University of Rome, she attended several internal courses at the Central Administration, at the National School of Administration, the Diplomatic Institute of the MAECI and the National Anti-Corruption Authority – ANAC from which she acquired her administrative rigour and mastery of the procedures that represent the cardinal values ​​of AICS.

She began her career in 1989 in the operational office of the personnel of the Express Courier – SDA before arriving in 1990 as a permanent employee at the Italian Agency for Agricultural Grants until 2005, when she began her career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – where she dealt with the handling of litigation of the General Directorate for Development Cooperation – DGCS, in particular pre-litigation and litigation practices arising from the assignment of international tenders in application of the PRAG and/or local law. As a prelude to an imminent transfer abroad, she carried out several missions such as the one at the AICS headquarters in Tirana for internal audit activities and handling issues relating to new aid credit initiatives that required a discussion with the Embassy.

Before his appointment in Lebanon, he was also responsible for formulating the Three-Year Anti-Corruption and Transparency Plans and related documentation as a support officer to the Anti-Corruption and Transparency Manager of AICS. This experience will be very useful to the Beirut office in Lebanon and Syria. A new commitment in two countries that, for different reasons, are going through one of the most difficult phases of their recent history. A history that for almost 40 years has seen Italian Cooperation among the protagonists of the international commitment to support the Country of the Cedars.