Head of office

Alessandra Piermattei from August 2021 is the holder of the Beirut office of the Italian Development Cooperation Agency. The new position follows her four years as head of the AICS office in Dakar. A graduate in Law, with a master’s degree in international Cooperation, Alessandra Piermattei has always tried to combine working life with a personal commitment to solidarity in the service of others and communities. A path that began with the experience of scouting and led her to engage in solidarity and international cooperation.

After completing her studies, she entered the Public Administration, first as Deputy Commissioner of the State Police in several Italian cities. Then the move to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, where she worked as head of the Operational Unit of the National Library Service.

After an internship at the UNICEF headquarters in Bamako, Mali, she obtained a transfer to the Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGCS) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where she worked from 2005 to 2015 participating in the implementation of initiatives in the field of human development, with a focus on children's rights and juvenile justice.

In 2016 he joined the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, continuing to deal with initiatives to protect children's rights. These years are characterized by numerous missions abroad (Afghanistan, Mozambique, Kenya, Bosnia and Herzegovina, El Salvador, Guatemala, Morocco, Egypt and Albania), which allow her to go "in the field," to collaborate with different partners, institutional and non-institutional, of the Italian Cooperation and to get to know extremely different geopolitical realities.

Now after the African experience the arrival in Lebanon and Syria. A new commitment in two countries that, for different reasons, are going through one of the most difficult phases of its recent history. A history that for almost 40 years has seen Italian Cooperation among the protagonists of international commitment in support of the Country of the Cedars.